Start Here


img_2298I’m Chelsea.  Welcome to Home Well Managed. I have SO many passions but this blog is dedicated to aiding your homemaking efforts via free bi-monthly meal plans, and loads of uplifting and inspirational content.

Home to me is both Idaho and Utah, but currently we reside in Northern California.  I am lucky enough to be married to my favorite person who I’m so in love with.  We have a one year old, Bennett,  with the world’s biggest cheeks who insists on shutting all the doors and carrying all the golf balls.

My first of many confessions is that I’m a terrible homemaker.  Or at least I thought so according to my original definition of homemaking.   I hate cleaning, sometimes my son stays in his PJ’s all day, and my house is never tidy for longer than a few hours.  Sound familiar?  When I had my son I quit a full time non-profit management job in youth programming that I loved (emphasis on loved.)   We moved, I was alone with a new baby, and I soon found that being home all day was unfulfilling for me. (insert guilt here because I know that raising my son is the most important work I could be doing.)   I had been great at my job and now I was feeling like a failure at my new one because dinner was not ready when Trevor got home and my living room floor was constantly littered with empty bottles and slobbery toys.  To sum it up, I wasn’t spending my days doing things that mattered most because I was caught up in daily “to do’s.”  Something had to change.

So I redefined homemaking for myself and called it Home Management.  I took all my supervising abilities and put them to work in my house.  I broke down overwhelming tasks to do throughout the week so they seemed more manageable, I upped my meal planning game (this is how), and  I have a schedule and system for everything imaginable and I calendar like my life depends on it. I will share said meal plans on here every two weeks.  In the beginning this will be the majority of the content available as I have been consistently emailing my meal plans to interested parties until now.

The world is changing.  Our lives are more complicated and  moms have too much on their plate.  I know what you are thinking, “But stuff has to get done!”  We spend too much time juggling tasks and not enough time enjoying moments.  The trick is efficiency.   You too can discover some better ways of doing things  through time management, calendaring, meal planning, and taking care of the body and mind  that you overwork.     The to do lists will not go away, but as we learn to manage it all effectively we have more time to build towers with our kids and take bubble baths once they go to bed.

I do not profess to be an expert.  But I DO know how to manage tasks, time, and responsibilities. It is what I did for a living before baby and what I use to keep my anxiety at bay.   As I continue to find better ways of doing things  I want to share that inspiration here.   I want to share with you what adds value to my home and my family.

I have two missions in life that tie one another in importance.  The first is to “Leave everything better than I found it.”  This includes people. The second, “To enable the potential of those within my sphere of influence.” -also includes people, especially children.  Do you see a theme here?  People come first always always.    This blog is meant to help you effectively manage the “to do’s” in your life  so you have more time to do what matters most-be with those you love and who need the very best version of you.

I love you for stopping by and giving me some of your time.  I would love to hear from you and always welcome feedback and comments.  Let’s be friends!

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