Enabling Your Potential · Home Management

Tuesday Truth- Be Your Favorite Kind of Woman

Home Well Managed Blog's Tuesday Truth

Let me just start by saying if you haven’t yet stumbled on the wonderful world of podcasts I suggest you do so immediately.  I tend to gravitate toward the self-help/ living your fullest life/ enabling my potential type of podcasts.  My current favorites being – Power of Mom’s, School of Greatness,  Bigger Pockets, Good Life Project, and Leading LDS. I have received so much inspiration and I dare say, divine revelation for my life and my family as I listen to profound ideas from people much smarter than me.

Recently I found the Nestle Podcast via an Instagram thread and I am ALL about it.   Everything these two women discuss and the ideas of the people they interview deeply resonates with me.  There is so much discussion of living intentionally and creating a life and home that you love.  I get a new great idea to implement every time I listen.  In a recent interview they were having a discussion about being the kind of person who puts people first.  The exact phrase used was, “Show up for people.”  I paused to process the thought right there because they put into words a feeling I have carried with me my entire life. People that make other people a priority are my favorite.  I am constantly striving to emulate that quality.

This idea does not only mean you physically be somewhere to show someone you care about them.

  • It means you call someone on their birthday.
  • It means you keep the commitments you make and do the things you say you are going to do.
  • It means people are more important than your checklist.
  • It means reading a book to your child is the right thing to do even when you can wipe the TV dust off with your finger.
  • It means you ask your friend about things in their life that may seem insignificant to most people and you are the first one to celebrate the accomplishments of others.
  • It means you give of your time, talents, and means to make people feel important and loved.
  • You show up for people’s lives day and night, not just when it is convenient for you.

Home Well Managed Blog's Tuesday Truth

I have since decided to add this phrase to my personal mission statement, and I plan to add it to our family’s mission statement- just have to discuss it with my husband first because you know, it is his family too.

Back to the podcast that spurred this whole epiphany idea, one of the women also made a comment about wanting to be a person who walks into a room and says, “There you are,” instead of “Here I am.”   How powerful!

I want to be that woman.  I want to be a woman who listens better, asks more questions and talks about myself less.   I want to be someone who makes people feel at home and everyone in the room feel like a million bucks.   I want to be someone who shows up for others.  That that is my favorite kind of woman.

What is your favorite kind of woman?  What inspirational podcasts are you hooked on?  Share below in the comments!

5 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth- Be Your Favorite Kind of Woman

  1. That is the kind of woman I want to be as well. I have heard so many great things about podcasts, so it looks like I need to check a few of the ones you listed out.


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